Healing Fragmented Pieces through Shamanic Journeying

Healing Fragmented Pieces Through Shamanic Journeying

My book, The Path to My Heart, is a story about my fragmented pieces coming back into my life for healing and heart integration. It was obviously time, but I had no idea it was about to happen. They came to life, one by one, with stories of their own healing adventure and a willingness to face their demons. Sophie, my inner child, finally faces her demons at a circus fun house!

It’s a great adventure and I am blessed that my fragmented pieces showed up for healing in the most caring, loving way possible. I felt like I was in a Shamanic Journey for two weeks, living in two worlds while it was all happening, and extremely lucky my fragments were accessible to me.

Unfortunately for some, there are those whose pieces are harder to reach, buried from traumatic abuse, and events in their lives. Excerpts from Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis Ascension Glossary: Soul Fragmentation

The more soul fragmented and damaged a person’s energetic body is operating (or not operating at all) the more distorted the thoughts and behaviors become. These deviations are manifested as addictions, perversions and a wide array of damaging personality disorders that can be well observed in the individual as destructive to the self and destructive to others. When one is continually destructive towards the self, or others, eventually the soul matrix layers fragment and split. When a human being is soul split, they will exhibit mental confusion and tendencies that are called, schizophrenia, dissociative personality, sociopathy (lack of empathy), and an array of psychological distortions that potentially lead to insanity.

Healing is possible. Lisa gives some great help tips in the glossary entry. There is also lots of free help on her website. There are many ways to receive help. One of them is through a shamanic journey.

I have received several Shamanic soul retrievals in the past as a way to return some of my pieces. I remember one in particular, a child aspect of mine took with it  “the ability to make things happen.” Click to read more!
Listen to the animals – shamanic Journeying

SOUL RETRIEVALS Through Shamanic Journeying

I have received several Shamanic soul retrievals in the past as a way to return some of my pieces. I remember one in particular, a child aspect of mine took with it  “the ability to make things happen.” As a child, I was incapable of stopping the trauma-inflicting incidents that occurred while growing up. This piece in particular could no longer bare the feeling of the pain and powerlessness it was feeling, so it split, or rather hid, burying itself deep in my unconscious where it played out a vicious cycle of not being able to affect change in my life. When that piece was returned to me, I received back the ability to make things happen. I had to nurture this piece back and promise to care for it.

Sandra Ingerman is a world renowned teacher of shamanism and has been teaching for more than 30 years. She has written several books on shamanism and soul retrieval. Below is an excerpt from her July 2017 newsletter.

I started sharing healing stories with my clients about the gifts, talents, strengths that their lost essence returns with during a soul retrieval. I also started talking to clients about “soul” being “essence” which is light. And after performing my healing work I began the process of asking clients to absorb the light of their soul into their cells before even telling them any story I was shown in my journey. This led me to write a new Afterword in my book: Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self. For I felt working with telling healing stories instead of embedding the story of the trauma deeper into the client’s psyche was such an important factor in creating true and long-term healing. And I found when I shifted to this way of working the results of my soul retrieval work became more powerful.

This is not about denying that we have all suffered different forms of trauma. But unless we stop carrying our past around we do not have the opportunity to create a better life for ourselves. Last month I wrote about how carrying our past burdens can become too heavy for us on physical and emotional levels and can create illness.

I whole-heartedly agree with Sandra. As I stated above, I am grateful my pieces came to me in wonderful stories of healing and love that I was able to experience with them. It was and continues to be a blessing. My pieces and their stories have also blessed others as they read about them in my book. People really aren’t that different!

The more informed about what we are carrying around with us, the better off we are, and the less fearful we become. Having the awareness of who we are and the cycles and patterns we have, the more able we are to face what stops us in life. Try not to be afraid of your feelings, allow them to surface and find freedom in release. Invite your pieces back in the most gracious, healing way possible. Seek help and support!

Sandra Ingerman has a list of shamans on her website who have taken her courses. You can locate a Shaman near you. I have personally used a Shaman trained by Sandra, Shenoah Taylor, who is listed on my Resources Page.

Be well on your journey! Here’s what people are saying!

More information on healing the inner child and healing fragmentation:

The Inner Child – Lessons in Control

I’m reminded of a time when my inner child was desperate to control me, and everything and everyone in my life in order to feel safe. Here’s the story as it unfolded: I noticed I was getting edgy and defensive.  I was reacting and jumping at little things.  My ability to let the “small stuff”…

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Healing the Inner Child

There’s a wealth of information available to help with healing the inner child.  For the purpose of this blog post, I’d like to share from my own personal experience. I’m not an expert on the subject in general, but I am an expert on successfully healing my own inner child.  My hope is that in…

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Understanding and Healing Fragmentation

I remember leaving my body a few times as a child, flying down the stairs.  I recall waking up one morning thinking: Wow!  That was fun, I want to do it again!  At the time, I didn’t have a clue why this was happening.  Now, I realize I dissociated from my body during trauma.  This…

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9 responses to “Healing Fragmented Pieces Through Shamanic Journeying”

  1. AmyRose🌹 Avatar

    I know of Sandra Ingrid’s work well and have several of her books. I couldn’t agree more about telling the traumatic event over and over again which modern day psychology will have you do. I went for counseling years ago and came to my conclusion I was getting more injured and more ill by sitting there stewing in my old traumas. I was so angry one day at this insanity and what was actually taking place I jumped up and yelled “But what do I DO with all my anger?” No answer forth came. And so I walked out of that office never looking back and never again going for counseling. I do not believe in their methods at all how they approach healing. They are doing the opposite in fact. I’ve had several of my fragments healed and let me tell you it feels wonderful. Recently I just walked away from two women, a mom and a daughter whose combined energies were so strong I began to mirror them and in so doing the dark side of me that I have worked so hard to heal began to emerge in unhealthy ways. I backed off so fast and have done rituals to cut off their energies. Whenever they come to mind I check to see if there are any more connections I have yet to sever. Powerful stuff, this healing work is IF you are actually doing so. I LOVE reading your posts because there is just so much of me in them, within your own story. Thank you for writing your stories. It just makes me more assured of what I am doing is the highest good for me. Bless you, Donna! 🌈💞


    1. Donna Guillemette Avatar

      Hey AmyRose!
      Wow, you are totally on the right track! As a matter of fact, I have a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling and have been licensed in the US. I left it for a while, wondering how the hell do I actually help people? I was working with teens in treatment from substance abuse and I found that just being with them and having total compassion and empathy went a long way. One thing I heard from a very wise clinician who himself had been opiate dependent at one time was: The difference between the clients and the staff is the clients get better! I never forgot that! After running a methadone clinic for a few years, which I loved, I went into administration. I never talked about drugs with my clients because they were wiser than me! I supported them by seeing them as human beings with an addiction problem. That, along with unconditional positive regard also went a long way. I couldn’t help people in a “clinical” way, so I left the profession. Being triggered over and over is rubbish – this is one thing I do not agree with, there is no need for it. It is wise to be discerning regarding clinical “help!” I am so happy to hear you have healed some of your fragments too!! And, yes, sometimes you have to walk away from toxic people and situations. Cutting cords is a great practice, you are astute in your healing energies to be able to feel what is yours and what is theirs! I am so happy you can relate! I have been questioning my writing lately, only because I had two people block my posts on FB! I can’t let that stop me . . . so your comment is extra special to me!! Thanks!!
      Keep up the great work!!! Donna 🙂


      1. AmyRose🌹 Avatar

        Awwwww that is BS that your posts were blocked. Darn that gets my dander up! There is so much garbage on FB yet here you come along writing truth about some really hard subjects and people do that to you. You just confirmed my decision of yesterday to take my FB page off. I’ve been feeling like I’m being stalked by one of the very women I spoke of and I will not tolerate it. I’m soley doing WP and don’t plan on doing anything else. I’ve come too far to allow death and toxicity to pull me down. Oh I’m very aware of who is who and do my very best to keep my energy clean. As you know healing old traumas is not easy and can be retriggered. I know that too. My camera many times is my Therapist as Mother speaks to me intimately. Hard to explain if you haven’t experienced that. And oh the more whole I become the smaller my world seems to come. Sorry but I am no longer willing to allow heavy energy anywhere near me in my personal life. Hubby who is a hurt Vet becomes very very heavy at times and yes triggers me but …
        I am guided to be doing this and I am learning to rise above the triggers to gain much clarity and strength and wisdom. Oh boy! I could talk your ear off. And wow! So proud of you getting a Master’s in mental health. 💥👏👏👏👏👏💕


        1. Donna Guillemette Avatar

          You are well on your path Amy! I can hear it in your posts and see it in your photos!! You have a lovely connection with nature! I didn’t post on FB for years, but since my book is out now, I thought I would give it a try and post my blogs. Oh well! I don’t blame you for deleting your FB account 🙂 Keep on keeping on – you are strong!!!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. AmyRose🌹 Avatar

            Thank you for your support, Donna. It means the world to me!! ❤


            1. Donna Guillemette Avatar

              It’s my pleasure! I appreciate your honesty and genuineness! All the time and work put into growth, it deserves an award!!!

              Liked by 1 person

          2. AmyRose🌹 Avatar

            Tell you what …. Because I am very impressed by all you are doing and have done, and because I believe in you, I am going to buy your book. This is not the norm for me, not by a long shot. You IMO are someone to look up to, to learn from, and to support as you push against the naysayers of this world. God help me I know that scenario only too well. So, a helping hand I have to give to you. 💝🕊🌈


            1. Donna Guillemette Avatar

              Wow! Thanks so much Amy for your support! I am grateful! I would love your feedback on my book!! I really hope you enjoy it! 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            2. AmyRose🌹 Avatar

              I will leave feedback, Donna, when I am finished reading it. I read books, not kindle, so my book won’t arrive until Tuesday. I go from there! 🤗


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