Creativity Abounds!

I’ve been having a blast creating really neat stuff! For the life of me I can’t get over the new me. I’m beginning to realize that rewriting my story has had a bigger impact on my life than I could have ever imagined. For the past many, many years, I would have said that I’m not very creative. I’ve never found anything that grabbed me enough to care about doing as a hobby, well maybe besides writing blog posts and tweaking my website. People would ask me: “What is it you like to do?” My response would always be the same: “I have no idea.” I’d always wished that there was something for me to enjoy doing as a hobby. Well, I got my wish!

I love tumbling stones as I shared all about it in my last post. It’s exciting opening up the barrels to see what treasures lie within. I’m still waiting for a major crop of river rocks to be completed all the way through the polish stage. I have a few done, but those rocks, mostly quartz, are really hard and take months of tumbling. The ones that have made it through the entire process are very cool and I really love how they are turning out.

But that’s not all!

My tumbling stones interest has led me into other avenues of creativity. I am happy to say that I have found something else that I love doing! Actually, it’s a couple things now. A fellow blogger (Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary), after reading my last post, sent me a web page link about “What to do with all those tumbled stones!” I read through it and saw some pendant designs that looked cool. I thought I might give it a try. I searched YouTube for some designs that I liked and ordered some tools and copper wire. When my supplies were delivered, I set out to make some pendants!

Pendants I’ve made so far with my tumbled stones – all copper wrapped.

I enjoy working with copper, it really suits me. I’m finding also that creating helps me feel focused and grounded. It’s fun to look through my tumbled stones for a shape that would work well for wire wrapping. Some stones are more challenging to wrap than others. I also wanted a variety of designs to fit different shapes. Tumbled stones present unique challenges but when you find the right wrap, they can turn out really beautiful. I love working with copper and don’t think I’ll be using any plated craft wire. It’s nice to see the stones I’ve tumbled turned into something people would like to wear.

Serpentine from Iona – my second wrapped pendant

So yes, lots of fun! Here are some sites I recommend on YouTube if you want to begin to learn about wire wrapping stones: OxanaCrafts, Matt’s Crazy Art, Bronze Rose Creations, and Gem Hawkes. The cost for starting up doesn’t have to be that steep. If you live in the USA you have lots more available to you in terms of tools and copper. Living in the UK is a bit more challenging although I was able to get tools for under £10 each and ordered copper from the USA on Amazon. It’s all 99.9% dead soft copper wire. Shipping didn’t take too long either and the USA had pretty good prices. So not too bad as a start up. So far I’ve sold two pendants to my colleagues and one to a friend. I hope to support my hobby with sales.

Creativity Abounds
Wire wrapping tools and copper – you really only need to start with the first two and fourth tool

And There’s More . . .

I was noticing that my copper discards (ends, extra lengths cut offs) were increasing in the small pot I collect them in – so I got creative with them too! I started researching how to make Orgonite! I love Orgonite and really believe that it works perfectly for harmonizing energy. They are basically life force energy generators, helping to remove any energy blockages in our energy field. Here’s a video if you are interested in learning more:

I was like – YES! I want to make these!! I got some basic supplies and started making orgonite. The urge within me to do this was overwhelming! Here’s the list for what I included:

  • Bronze shavings
  • Aluminum filings
  • Amethyst
  • Quartz
  • Selenite
  • Copper coils
  • Non-Toxic resin

I got my materials from eBay. I watched some videos on how to make the tower busters and it seemed simple enough. Here’s some recommendation for how-to videos: Magnificent Healing Creations, and The Human Frequency. There are many more videos but these were sufficient and quite easy to follow. I didn’t want anything fancy to begin with so I kept it simple and functional. Here are some photos of my finished product!

I place the crystals and copper coils in the middle of the aluminum. You can’t see them, but they are there, doing their jobs behind the scenes! It feels like an addiction if I’m honest! I feel like I can’t make enough of these things. As it stands now, every room in the house has at least two tower busters in it and I only started making them last evening. I’ve gone through 2kg of resin! The aluminum ones in the photo above are going to be spread out through the front and back yard – I made them this morning so they aren’t cured yet. Next I may try making some fancy ones with a bit of sparkle and color! Here’s a link for them for sale on eBay!

My creativity certainly has been lifted to brand new heights since rewriting my story! I am forever grateful for my journey and what it has contributed to my life. As you may or may not realize from my posts throughout the years, it’s been a struggle for me to feel free and finish with suffering once and for all. Finally, I am realizing that creativity is a major key to unlocking any ties that bind our minds.

I guess it’s the chicken or the egg. Seems like all that suffering and dark nights of the soul was what I needed to get free from the beliefs and perceptions that held me captive. Creativity and freedom of expression is the result of healing from all of that. Creativity will also ensure I remain free. My truth is strong and provides me with a platform for which to live in harmony – not only as a treasure hunter, but as a treasure finder. Orgonite helps too!!

I have started a new blog website strictly for rock tumbling and my creations! Click here to see it!

All Things With God . . .

With God anything is possible. Without God, well it’s a rougher road to travel and it gets really exhausting. My experience tells me this is true. I’m not referring to the God of religion, but more of a higher power, creator God. It feels very important for me to get this lesson, the sooner the…

Polished River Rocks – Finally!

It’s been three months since purchasing my rock tumblers. I started out with some gemstones that were included with one of my purchases. Then I moved onto river rocks I found in the Rea Brook river that runs right behind my home. I thought: Why not? Let’s check out what’s in there! First I picked…

Loving Rock Tumbling

I am very excited to write this post and share with you my new adventure of rock tumbling! I have been in the process of rewriting my story, living day to day from a context that excites me and has me look forward with anticipation. My context is treasure hunting. I love shiny things, polished…

15 responses to “Creativity Abounds!”

  1. Julia Preston Avatar

    Wow—what an inspiration on so many levels! Your creations are just beautiful. Good for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Path to My Heart Avatar

      Hi Julia! Thank you so much! Feels good to be creating.😀


      1. Julia Preston Avatar

        I can only imagine! My creativity begins and ends with writing with nothing in between. Oh wait—I guess we create our own reality, right? That’s something, at least! 😊

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Path to My Heart Avatar

          Exactly Julia! Creating our own reality takes loads of creativity! 😀

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Sue Dreamwalker Avatar

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that you have found your passion and are enjoying creativity Donna…
    I absolutely Love your designs and tumbled stones… and what a neat way too to use up all of those little waste bits of copper into your Orgonite towers… And yes they do work.. I have several around my own home…

    Being creative absorbs our minds and centres our hearts.. Getting Lost in the process is so calming and freeing..
    Who would have thought picking up a few stones here and there would lead you down the route of pendant making..
    I am delighted that the ideas I sent you resonated Donna…

    Love the Iona tumble stone… a very special piece of Serpentine.. And love the copper work you have done…
    Really enjoyed your post, narration, and photo’s Donna….
    Thank you.. Have a lovely rest of the week ❤ 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Path to My Heart Avatar

      Hi Sue! Thank you so much, and kind of cool for you to see the results of your contribution to me. I am really enjoying working with all the materials and absolutely, who would have believed that taking a stroll on the beach, picking up some neat rocks would lead to making pendants. Never would I have guessed! Getting lost in the focus of what I’m doing is as you say calming. I am present with what I am doing. What I like the most is seeing the finished product. It’s a great feeling creating something. I’m sure you can relate Sue with all the wonderful things you create. Thanks again Sue for your lovely comment! Have a great rest of your day! Much love, Donna

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sue Dreamwalker Avatar

        Today, I added the finishing touches to a painting I’ve been working on.
        As I hung it up on the wall today.. Seeing it, as I stepped back, yes, that feeling is very satisfying for sure.
        I’m sure you’ll have many more satisfying moments to come 😀😍💕

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Path to My Heart Avatar

          Nice Sue! It is a great feeling! Glad to hear that after all of your amazing creations, the feeling is still there! 😀❤️

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Sue Dreamwalker Avatar

            Every time.. 🙂 ❤

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Writing to Freedom Avatar

    Kudos on your passion, creative outflowing, and new attitude!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Path to My Heart Avatar

      Thank you Brad! Feels nice to be creating!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Miriam Avatar

    How absolutely wonderful! I can feel your excitement through your words and I’m so happy to hear you’ve found such a creative pursuit you’re passionate about. Those pendants look beautiful. It must be so satisfying to see those stunning tumbling stones turned into something even more precious. Wonderful share. Keep enjoying! 💗🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Path to My Heart Avatar

      Hi Miriam! Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Yes, it truly is exciting and satisfying to be creating with freshly tumbled stones! I really love it. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Making something with my hands that brings beauty into my own and other’s lives is awesome! Thank you for taking the time to read my post – much appreciated! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  5.  Avatar

    Love it ! Nothing better than sharing your Creative Love !!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Path to My Heart Avatar

      Thank you so much! Yes, there is nothing better!!


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