Transformation, Werner Erhard

A Long-Awaited Change is Coming: Your Life may Start Shifting in a Powerful Way!

I am feeling an exciting, welcomed consciousness change in our midst that is having an apparent effect on people.  I’ve been reading articles and blogs discussing significant changes taking place in people’s lives, starting with making big changes to their environment.  Many people are moving and/or clearing out their possessions they’d held onto for years.  It’s like a “spring cleaning” of sorts – the difference this time is that many of these possessions were previously left untouched by past spring-cleanings.

Why are people radically organizing, throwing things away, reevaluating their life, and clearing space?  Why are they changing behaviors, questioning negative beliefs and clearing out the past?  It feels significant and liberating, way more so than just an average, annual spring cleaning.

As above, so below.  The message is clear, – a long-awaited, important change is coming so don’t be surprised if your life starts shifting in a powerful way.

Perhaps people are getting ready for what is to come in the following years, maybe needing to stay put in the place they will prepared for themselves.  Perhaps this consciousness clean will manifest into a major shift that could hit the fan sometime in the next few years to come.  A shift that will undoubtedly be the largest consciousness shift humanity has ever experienced!

I can’t imagine what this transformation will be like.  We feel change well before it filters down to the physical, whether aware of it or not, it does affect our behavior.  Often times the signs get missed because our lives are busy, but something within us is aware driving us to make preparations.

For example, when a shift in energy is coming, I find myself rearranging the furniture or cleaning out closets and getting rid of things I haven’t used, whether springtime or not.  It’s all in preparing for a change – getting rid of the old and making space for the new.  We get tuned into the vibrational energy that comes ahead of physical changes and we start doing things to make ready the way, almost as if natural and innate.

That’s how things manifest in our world.

Personally, I’ve received the message that it’s time for a major transformation:

You need to know your past is a lie, it’s not who you are, it’s a lie, one which you can no longer operate from.  Who you really are, who you need to know yourself as, won’t manifest if you believe yourself to be the lie that is your past.

It’s impossible to get a camel through the eye of a needle. You must shed your load to pass through the narrow opening, or your emotional baggage from the past will stop you from moving forward.  If in fact I am believing in and operating from my past, the eye will never be passed through.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. 

albert einstein

You won’t transform if you continue to define yourself by your past as if it were the truth.

Transformation happens in one second – and is always spontaneous.  I’m giving up the old and replacing it with something completely unknown and new.  It’s a creation from nothing.  How do I do that?

We live each second of our lives based on our past, ensuring the same patterns and cycles repeat, haunting us over and over again.  It’s like being in a box, trying to get out of the box, thinking we’re out of the box, but then only to find we’re in another box that over time starts to look like the original box.  What’s needed is transformation.

I’ve provided this blog to help you with the tools you need to transform your life, creating something new and exciting that only you can express.  It’s very possible to get what you desire.  Your future is up to you, it’s in your capable hands.

When we transform ourselves, we transform the world.  We have the power to transform ourselves now.

By taking a stand for ourselves, by declaration, by bringing forth, you and I have the power to create a future which cannot be predicted.  This is transformation, and to participate in this transformation is a great privilege.  ~Werner Erhard

  • I am willing to transform and have the past no longer define who I am.
  • I am willing to see the past as lies.
  • I am willing to be the cause in the matter of who I am and be a channel through which I can express myself fully in life.
  • I am willing to express myself as someone who is making a difference in the world – because after all, that’s why I’m here.

Prepare for the new, it’s coming!

For more posts on Werner Erhard and/or transformational technology – 

  1. Transformation of Fear: Moving From Fear into Action and Engagement: An Account of Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking
  2. Werner speaks on compassion: Finding Your Humanity in Times of Stressful and Uncertain World Politics
  3. Werner speaks on being authentic: Authenticity: Being True to Yourself is the Greatest Gift
  4. On transformation and presentation: A Long-Awaited Change is Coming: Don’t be Surprised if Your Life Starts Shifting in a Powerful Way!
  5. 5. Accountability and personal experience as a 6 Day Advanced Course staff member: How Paying Attention to Your Words can Increase Your Life Force and Vitality
  6. Moving forward from the future: Creating a Future of Possibility
  7. The shape of organizations: Let’s Cut Their Tea and Coffee – That’ll Surely Help the Bottom Line!

6 responses to “A Long-Awaited Change is Coming: Your Life may Start Shifting in a Powerful Way!”

  1. Responsible Co-Creation: Create a Future Not From Your Past, but From What’s Possible Now – The Path to My Heart Avatar

    […] received: “Your past is a lie, it’s not who you are.” (You can read more about it here.) Believing this to be true, it follows that all judgments I’ve had about myself are lies […]


  2. AmyRose🌹 Avatar

    Oh wow, Donna, your post is a HUGE confirmation for what I have not only been FEELING but seeing! I am stunned by the LOVE I feel and the kindness in humankind in general. There is a new softness. There’s been a cosmic shift of some sort! And I’ve really been thinking what I want from my life other then what I do with my life now. I desire so much more! I’ve begun by taking steps to get to that “so much more”. It may not look like much to some, but this is what I really am doing. There have been times lately I’ve felt as though I’ve walked into a world I’ve always dreamed of. Oh wowoowowowow!!!!! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DonnaG Avatar

      Hey Amy! I can see a shift in you just by reading your blog posts, specifically the one with you and hubby going for a ride somewhere you didn’t want to go but you went from love – and magic happened! Something shifted in your world then I think, and your last post really tells a great story of human kindness. It’s quite remarkable, and not to say things might dip a bit in energy because it does, but if the bar is raised higher, it won’t dip quite as low! I am really happy for you, as you have come from much sadness and grief into the lightness of joy! It’s a testament to you and your determination and huge heart!!! Much love to you!! 💜😃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. AmyRose🌹 Avatar

        With the passing of my Mother, so much dark has fallen from within me. I’m already seeing the dips … seems as if I get a blast of light and then the next day I’m not feeling right and so must take it slow. Not sure what all is going on yet I know a huge shift is occurring right now and there is only so much I can take in at one time. I have faith that over time things will even out. Bless you and thank you for witnessing my Journey that I have walked so many years and now just now seem to be really coming into Paradise. Much LOVE!!! 🌸🌸🌸

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Avatar

    Excellent post, and I wish you gusto to follow and become the new you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DonnaG Avatar

      Thank you so much!! Lovely comment!


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