Treasure Hunting

What a great topic, especially since it’s the context for which I frame my life! I love adventure and exploring – in all areas. When treasure hunting for example, became the concept to frame my life – then anything and everything that happens, is directly related to the context – meaning it all has a hidden gem to be explored and found. Think of the possibilities and opportunities this brings!

It’s very exciting indeed. How can I mine the gems from the experiences in my life? It’s a great question. This week we had our Blue Tits fledge (see photos below). The past few years we had noticed the fledglings were quite small and not very strong. There were less inch-worm type of food for them, and the parents really had to struggle. This year we didn’t know what to expect.

Turns out there was plenty of food and the parents were professionals! There were 7 fledglings in total! Six of them had very strong flights out of the nest box and only the last one struggled a bit with a short flight. It was inspiring to witness, a very successful outcome!

Being home during the time of fledging is a real treasure, and finding them very strong and healthy was the gem! It was heartwarming to see them one by one take flight. Later that same day, I ventured on a rock hunt to the river I live next to. I found some really cool stones that I can’t wait to get into the tumbler! So loads of treasure about.

The quote from Werner Erhard I included in my post regarding Creating a Context for Your Life is so very true:

It Is Not What You Think That Determines The Quality Of Your Life, It Is The Space In Which You Think. It Is What You Could Think That Determines The Quality Of Your Life.

Werner Erhard

I am experiencing this on a daily basis within the new context for my life. My eyes, ears, and thoughts are all attuned (the space in which I am thinking) to finding the treasure within the experience I am having. It could be very simple things like finding a truth, or a really good laugh, engaging in a very meaningful conversation, or seeing something I’ve seen before, but from a new light – finding the inherent treasure.

Where this new context will take me is part of the exciting journey of treasure hunting! I’ve already been invited to the Snowdonia region of Wales to visit a friend. I’ll stay an extra night and go exploring the next day looking for treasure! It’s a very beautiful part of the United Kingdom and really looking forward to my visit and more treasure hunting.

Snowdonia region

Sometimes I look through Facebook and see lots of people sharing pictures of food. People love food – good food – and are willing to photograph, upload and publicly display their meals. They are very excited about their ‘find’ and can’t wait to dive in! I’d say their context is gastronomy! Why not? Some people go for heath and fitness, others may have more of a travel and exploration context. Peace could be your context, or freedom. Creativity is also a great one. There are many to choose from, just make sure it’s something you are very passionate about!

The past few years have been stressful for most people. Maybe it’s time to focus on what it is that lifts you up and gives you cause to look forward to your day. Give it some thought. I’d love to hear what you come up with!

I have started a new blog website strictly for rock tumbling and my creations! Click here to see it!

For further information on creating a context:

Creating a Context for Your Life

I’ve been struggling with where to place my experience from last week, the one where I confronted a man’s actions of blatant disregard for property. (read more here) I can’t quite qualify it because it was very unlike me and I couldn’t stop myself. I know it happened for a reason, just not sure how…

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Rewriting Your Story

I’ve been away from blog world for a bit – rewriting my story. Is it even possible to give yourself a brand new story, one that defines your present as well as your future? Why yes, it is! We made up the ‘old’ story to begin with through our limited beliefs and conditioning. What happened…

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8 responses to “Treasure Hunting”

  1. Writing to Freedom Avatar

    Great reminders and perspective. And those birds are beautiful! To framing our lives in beautiful and meaningful ways.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Path to My Heart Avatar

      Cheers Brad! The Blue Tits are beautiful and a great inspiration! It was heartwarming watching them fledge. Yes, beautiful and meaningful ways – perfect! Thank you Brad!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Julia Preston Avatar

    I love the image of the treasure map that you shared. Before reading the blog, I followed along its zig zags remembering my beginnings as a spiritual seeker in search of the gold ring—scrambling after whatever I thought would bring me happiness. Finally realizing that what I was seeking was the true jewel within—the light of my inner self. Happiness from external sources serves as the catalyst toward the realization that it isn’t “out there”. It’s what’s inside that counts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Path to My Heart Avatar

      Perfectly spoken Julia! The jewel lies within us. It does take some digging and hunting, but in the end, when you get there, it’s like striking gold! How many times do we have to say: this isn’t it, this isn’t it, nope not that either . . . it’s part of our journey, like you said – the zig zagging! Thank you for your insightful comment and hope your day is going great!! 😄


  3. Sue Dreamwalker Avatar

    I love that you have found such joy in your new passion of treasure hunting Donna.

    Oh, and what a joy for me as you shared those beautiful images, and I’m so pleased that this year saw such success in those fledglings flying the nest strong and healthy..

    I have also found that which we focus upon, we draw into our awareness..
    So as you focus upon your treasures, finding wonder and joy within them, so too more joy and treasures appear..

    Synchronicity is turning up to add more of life’s treasures to collect.. as your invitation to Snowdonia suggests. As you also invite the Universe to share her treasures with you.. And yes, that’s a very beautiful part of Wales….

    The Law of Attraction works both ways in a positive and negative way. It knows not the difference. It just flows with whatever we are focusing in on. And delivers accordingly. 😃

    I feel that we are now all in various ways, breaking cycles of patterns which we have for a long time been hooked into, and these are exciting times of allowing ourselves to find those new gems and treasures within our lives.
    I am delighted you are exploring and finding those Gems within your treasure hunting Donna.

    I LOVE that quote, so true, our thoughts hold so much power, which we’ve never been allowed to understand how we shape our world into reality, first by thinking via the focus and intentions of our emotional responses..

    Finding joy in whatever we do, will expand our consciousness and raise our frequencies..

    Thank you for sharing and bringing me joy with those treasures that flew the nest..

    Much love Donna.. ❤️ 😍 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Path to My Heart Avatar

      Hi Sue! Thank you for your comment! I was very excited for the Blue Tits this year, it was very inspiring watching them fly out of the nest, all the way through the garden and up into the trees behind us. What a thrill! The past years as I have mentioned, their numbers were smaller and flights not even half as strong. I take this year’s result as a very good sign! Yes, the treasures will continue to come in – I even got a letter in the mail right after my last post about rewriting my story and declaration about being a treasure hunter – from the bank (credit union) no less, giving me £100 without any strings attached! I couldn’t believe it. I thought it sure does pay to rewrite your story!! lol

      I’m having lots of fun with it, especially from my treasure hunting with interesting rocks coming out of my rock tumblers. The river near us is providing some interesting rocks! I hope to share some photos in my next post about rock polishing. The rocks I got from Iona too are amazing! So it’s all good, and in Divine timing. It’s fun for me to have a focus and have some definition.

      Thanks again Sue! Much love, hugs and blessings!! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sue Dreamwalker Avatar

        I will look forward to your finished tumbled stones Donna.. Iona is a beautiful sacred place too.. So I am sure your stone will hold much energy in their vibration from there ❤ 🙂
        Much love right back

        Liked by 1 person

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